What this area will be about.

In order to maintain the structural and aesthetic integrity of our fine (or so we think) website, we’ve decided to keep all negative opinion and reviews off our website. We’re not critics, and we were never big fans of them, regardless of the genre (films, music, video games, and ESPECIALLY food). We didn’t go to culinary school (yet), and we don’t feel it proper to damper our content with useless extra bullshit.

So you may ask, what is it that we DO? We just present you with as much information as becomes readily available to us from the wonderful world of food. If we visit a restaurant that we didn’t particularly like, we just won’t bring it up on the website…simple as that.

But in the wake of being so proper on the home page, we decided to make these Editor’s blogs for the 2-3 people who give a shit and have a little bit of extra time on their hands during the day. We’ll post up whatever is going on, maybe some mishaps during the day, office antics, hate mail from readers, hate mail from us to a specific institution, whatever.

This is obviously too much text for one post…sorry, we’ll chirp soon!

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