In-N-Out, as Explained by Cartoons, a Comedian, and Jesus Christ

The cult of In-N-Out, to anyone who hasn’t yet been inducted into it, can seem a little insane. The lines are too long, the workers are too happy, the customization options are ridiculous, and why are there little religious verses everywhere?
Well, leave it to LA-based filmmaker and comedian Connor Kerrigan to come out and finally say what we’ve all been thinking. In a short animated clip, Kerrigan assays the ins and outs of the ironically named burger chain, from the number of cars in the drive-thru, even to how Jesus feels about the use of John 3:16 on the soda cups.
Spoilers: apparently even the Son of God isn’t safe from becoming an In-N-Out convert.
Check out the whole Monkey Style-fueled video below: