17 Of The Best (Worst?) Awesomely Bad Starbucks Cup Art

You know how your kindergarten teacher always made you feel like a special little butterfly? With special little talents and special little dreams you’d be sure to accomplish one day if you just believed?
Starbucks is like your kindergarten teacher. Now through May 12, it wants you to share your kindergarten-level artistry with the world, with a doodle contest to design an upcoming reusable tumbler. All you have to do is decorate a white Starbucks cup and upload it to Twitter or Instagram under the hashtag #WhiteCupContest. Because #creativity. And #freelabor.
Submissions so far have been mostly kitschy and twee, but we did manage to find a few with just a little more personality. Check out some of our favorite awesomely bad submissions below, and thank your lucky stars those baristas are just writing your name and not trying to draw it.
1. True Colors
2. Crayola Barf
3. #HowAboutNo
4. Not shiny enough
5. Marilyn?
6. That’s the Dream
7. Caffeine Zombie
8. Ba-Dum-Tss
9. Recycling
10. Peek-A-Boo
11. DNA Leis
12. Damn Mother Earth, what happened?
— @hunybee
13. “Boredom Kills”
14. Lazy Girl Problems
15. …
16. Get It?