Apparently, 65% of the World Drinks Goat’s Milk Over Cow’s Milk

Despite America’s countless milk mustaches and the iconic “Milk, it does a body good” campaign, 65 percent of the world drinks goat’s milk over cow’s milk.

It’s worth noting that this worldwide preference for goat’s milk has happened without any high-powered marketing campaigns or celebrity endorsements. The simple reason for goat milk’s popularity seems to be the relative ease with which it’s produced.  One goat, which can produce an average of a gallon and a half of milk a day, more than enough for a single family, takes up less space and needs less feed than a dairy cow. This provides impoverished countries or homes without refrigeration, a cheaper and easier way to consume dairy.

Not only are goats easier to keep than cows, but goat milk is less likely to cause lactose intolerance (because it contains less lactose molecules) and is easier to digest than cow’s milk. It also contains less fat and is naturally homogenized, which means the fresh milk won’t separate, like cow’s milk tends to do.

While redditors are still contesting whether these statistics are true, there’s  little doubt that goat milk consumption is better for  the environment and for both cows and goats alike.  The jury’s still out on which one tastes better, but we bet milk from a happy grass-fed goat tastes pretty darn good.

Think “Got Goat Milk?” should be the new slogan? Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever tried it!

H/T Reddit + PicThx Goats on Things

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