
Don’t Blink, It’s a Despicable Who TARDIS Cake

Despicable Who

“The minions have the phone box!”

For the Whovian who prefers her Weeping Angels a little more yellow and a little less evil time-sucking monster-y, this Minion TARDIS cake and cupcakes could be just the ticket.


Created by the “Bunny Baker” Aila Sim-Yonzon and her husband Zach, who molds the fondant, this Doctor Who x Despicable Me mash-up is the perfect example of how most Doctor Who fans are simply overgrown children watching a crazy, yet endearing, mad scientist “save” the world week after week. What? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just that the first step to recovery is acceptance. And then throwing that acceptance right out the police box window.

H/T + PicThx Neatorama