‘Two and a Half Buck Chuck” WTF? Trader Joe’s Announces 25% Price Hike

The days when you could call Trader Joe’s infamous Charles Shaw wine “Two-Buck Chuck” may have come to an end.

“In general, our retail prices change only when our costs change,” Alison Mochizuki, director of public relations for Trader Joe’s, stated in an email. “We’ve held a $1.99 retail price for 11 years. Quite a bit has happened during those years and the move to $2.49 allows us to offer the same quality that has made the wine famous the world over.”

The company cites increased costs as the cause of the 25 percent price hike, while only California locations are guaranteed to see this immediate change. Of course, going from $1.99 to $2.49 isn’t going to devastate many piggy banks; the main issue seems to be how the new price tag will affect what consumers will now call the wine.

“Inflation Chuck” and “Upchuck” are a few disgruntled responses given to Press Democratwhile another commentator at Grub Street groaned, “Nifty two-fifty Charlie?”

However, Rudy, our Senior NapTaker here at Foodbeast, said it perfectly: “Two and a Half Buck Chuck just doesn’t sound right.”


H/T Grub Street,  Press Democrat


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