Behold: the Flask Tie, for Your Favorite Professional Day Drinker

Here’s the thing, we at Foodbeast don’t have to wear ties to work. No, not even the boys. Especially not the boys. So while the interwebs has been going on for the past day about this genius flask hidden inside a necktie, we’ve just kinda felt meh about the whole thing. If you are lucky enough to wear a tie to work though (or happen to know someone who does—shocker!), the FlaskTie would probably make a perfect stocking stuffer.
Available in a range of 5 diagonally striped colors—Blue and White, Navy and White, Red and Black, Blue and Orange and Cardinal and Gold–the Flasktie is sure to go completely incognito with whatever monkey suit you “choose” to throw on for the day. Best of all, it’ll hold between 6 and 8 ounces of liquor, which should be plenty enough to get you through your 9-to-5.
(Or like, 12-3, in our case.)
FlaskTie: $25 @
via Geekologie