The World’s Smallest Dog Is The Size of A Can of Coke

I’ve never been the type of person who likes tiny dogs. I see no need to carry one in my purse, and what if you sit on it by accident?!? But this little– and I mean little— pooch named Meysi just might make me change my mind.
At 7 centimeters tall, 12 centimeters long, and 250 grams (that’s about 2 cups of microwave popcorn), Meysi is the size of a soda can. She still has eight more months until she is one year old and thus eligible for the official title of “World’s Smallest Dog” in the Guinness Book of World Records, but I ain’t questioning it. This preemie-sized pup could use my Blackberry as a boogie board. She probably wrestles hamsters and travels in a take-out carton. And just forget about her using the stairs.
The terrier crossbreed lives in Poland, where she undoubtedly elicits squeals of joy everywhere she goes.
Watch the video of Meysi dancing around a can of Coke and doing other adorable things that will make you die from cuteness:
via Laughing Squid/photo courtesy of Zeibiz