This Teen Had Sex With a Hot Pocket, Becomes a Twitter Legend in the Process


The past two weeks have oddly become defined by gentleman having sex with pizza things.

Just days after a gentleman burned his penis after thrusting it into his Domino’s pizza, a young teen known as Thot Pocket has found his own path to stardom: by filming himself having sex with a Hot Pocket.

Known only as Thot Pocket and his Twitter/Vine handle @VERSACEPOPTARTS, the youngster began his short-lived Vine/Twitter career by filming himself having sex with a box of cinnamon-flavored Pop-Tarts. While the video gained immediate traction, it was removed — apparently filming yourself having sex with a Pop-Tarts box goes against the Terms of Service.

The DailyDot featured the following selfie of the box he desecrated:


Following this selfie, he propositioned his new followers to rally for his next stunt, the infamous Hot Pocket fucking:



As you can tell from the amount of Retweets in the above screenshot, @VERSACEPOPTARTS indeed posted the video with the hashtag #FoodPorn. The clip was deleted, but the continued tirade on Twitter revealed he’d follow up his junk food sexing by setting his eyes (and penis) on a donut, then a bowl of Jello.

Before being suspended from both Twitter and Vine, the Hot Pockets brand page blocked him, and he’s since garnered a strange following of fans waiting for his next stunt… some even proposing they become his next Hot Pocket:

A humorous interview with the Twitter folk legend made its way to food blog First We Feast, with one of the most memorable quotes being:


Hopefully this kid gets his Twitter account back. I’m oddly curious to see what other food item he plans on turning into a Fleshlight.

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