This Photograph Of A Dirty Potato Sold For $1.5 Million


Potatoes rule. You can make virtually anything with one. This includes hash browns, french fries and even electricity. Because the potato is so cheap, you can pretty much get them in bulk for a low price. So a photo of an uncooked potato should go for even less, right?

Turns out, one potato picture sold for more than $1 million.

World famous photographer Kevin Absoch took a photo of a lumpy Irish potato. While the potato itself is pretty basic, the photograph is pretty stunning. Set to Absoch’s signature style of a single light source upon a black background, the potato almost looks mesmerizing.

The Sunday Times reports that Abosch was having lunch with a businessman and after a few drinks said he wanted to buy Absoch’s starchy picture. A payment of $1.5 million later and the businessman owned one of three copies of the photograph.

Abosch’s credentials include 21 Jump Street heartthrob Johnny Depp, Hook’s Dustin Hoffman and the late-great King Koopa Dennis Hopper.

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