When His Home Caught Fire, This Man Ran Back In To Save His Ribs

What sounds like a Saturday Night Live parody, this guy was seriously in front of a news camera, holding his prized ribs that he heroically saved.
Robert Wright of Fresno, California couldn’t watch his delicious food burn down with the building and decided to go back in and save the precious ribs he worked so hard to make.
KMPH Fox in Fresno caught up with Wright as he told his story:
“I thought about my ribs, like, I didn’t want to let my ribs burn.”
He said he was hungry at 3 a.m., got a barbecue going when suddenly he saw flames burst into his window.
Unfortunately, the hot links he barbecued didn’t make it out of the fire, but he at least had the gall to save his rack of ribs.
All, jokes aside, Wright did manage to carry out his kids before he got his ribs.
When your house goes up in flames and the most important thing in the world is trapped in it, you have to man up, puff out your chest and save it.