A Simple Kitchen Trick Will Change The Way You Peel Potatoes

Peeling potatoes sucks. It seriously sucks. Unfortunately, the starchy veg is the base of tons of recipes and has many other uses outside cooking. Luckily, our buddy Davy from Make Sushi figured out a way to peel potatoes that no only saves you a headache, it’ll give your potatoes much more flavor.
Start by slicing around the potato skin in a circular motion with a sharp knife. Then, throw the potatoes into some boiling water and let them cook. After your potatoes are removed, you just simply have to pinch the potato skin and it comes off almost instantly.
No mess, no stress and more flavor. The best part is you now have potatoes to work on all kinds of awesome recipes. Check out the video below.
Our guy Make Sushi jumping in real quick and showing us his trick for peeling potatoes (this way is also dope for getting more flavor in there during the boil!).#foodbeast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af3dEbAd4Os
Posted by Foodbeast on Monday, November 9, 2015