Kellogg’s Explains Why Frosted Pop-Tarts Have Less Calories Than Unfrosted

You’d think a frosted Pop-Tart would have more calories than an unfrosted one. It seems logical, but that’s not the case.
Even with the addition of frosting to the Strawberry Pop-Tart, regular Pop-Tarts have 10 more calories.
As you can see below, the frosted Strawberry Pop-Tart has 200 calories, while the unfrosted has 210 calories:
It’s been a documented mystery ever since Spencer Gaffney wrote about it way back in 2009.
Well, Kellogg’s finally ‘fessed up and told Quartz that this nutritional conundrum is caused by a slightly thicker crust on to make up for the lack of frosting.
If you look on the Pop-Tarts site, there is not a single frosted flavor that has more calories than the unfrosted Strawberry Pop-Tart.
While it’s annoying, at least you know the truth now.