
Meal Snap App: Count Calories With the Snap of a Smartphone Photo

Meal Snap is a new application that has found its way to the iTunes App Store, allowing you to take pictures of the meals you eat and 'magically' telling you what food was in your meal and how many calories you're about to eat. The app works in several simple steps, with four in total should you select all possible options along the way.




How Meal Snap Works:

1. Snap a photo of your meal.

2. Add a descriptive caption, if you are so inclined.

3. Let the system auto-magically detect the nutritional breakdown.

4. Keep track of your meals & progress over time.

Other Awesome Features:

✸ Share your meals on Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare.

✸ View estimated calories for each meal and the full day.

✸ Browse back in time to view your logged meals.

✸ Categorize your meals into Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, etc.

According to early reviews, the app does a more a than decent job recognizing the food in the pictures, but very roughly estimates portions and calorie counts. ($2.99 @ Apple iTunes)