How To Reseal Any Bag Of Chips [WATCH]

We’ve all been there,we open up a family-sized pack of Doritos to eat alone on a Friday night, and once you’re done with your first bag, you open a second only to find out you don’t want anymore. You can clip the bag shut, which will keep them from getting stale for a short period of time…or you could do like the most annoying yet inventive YouTuber CrazyRussianHacker and reseal the bag with two rulers and a lighter.
Open Chip Bag:
2 rulers to pinch the bag together:
Burn the excess bag until it reseals:
I can’t vouch for how safe it is burning plastic bags, but it certainly is a neat trick when you’re adamant about no new air getting into your bag of chips. Now what if I open my bag of chips like this, though?