How To Make ‘Ratatouille’ EXACTLY Like The Pixar Movie

When we first saw the Pixar film Ratatouille, we couldn’t believe how badly we wanted to try that titular dish. Unfortunately, most ratatouille dishes aren’t prepared the way the movie was.
Most ratatouille dishes are stewed or sautéed vegetables. Delicious, sure, though not as eye-catching as the film portrayed it.
Grant Crilly of ChefSteps shows us exactly how the vegetarian dish can be prepared at home exactly how you see it in the movie.
The style used in the film is called confit byaldi. There, the vegetables are sliced with a mandolin until they’re in neat thin layers.
Check out the recipe, in detail, in the delicious video. Man, we need to rewatch this movie again. Can’t believe it’s almost 10 years old.