Guy Recalls His Devastation After Dropping A Hot Pocket In A Gun Fight [WATCH]

We’ve all had moments of despair after dropping delicious food on the floor and knowing that it is gone forever, but it’s not often that that dropped food holds emotional priority in a time of crisis.
Merrendes Jackson of Blytheville, Arkansas was interviewed by Region 8 News after a crazy shooting happened and startled Jackson so much, it caused him to drop the delicious Hot Pocket he was eating.
Region 8 was trying to get first-hand accounts of the incident and came across the most honest answer, by a scared individual.
If you need a real, raw description of the alleged gun-fight, what better than:
“I dropped my hot pocket. I was like, ‘What is this?'”
I smell some endorsement deals in the future, though. Hot Pockets are so good, they’ll make you miss them, even during a gun fight.
h/t firstwefeast