WWE Wrestler ‘Triple-H’ Shows Us His Insane Three-Day Meal Prep

Former wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johsnon often shares his meal plans for movies, so we’ve seen what it takes to be a muscular monster that tosses around giant human beings for a living, but not even the mighty Rock has shown exactly what all his meals look like.
Paul “Triple H” Levesque is the Executive Vice President of Talent for World Wrestling Entertainment. Although the wrestler is often seen a business suit these days, it hasn’t stopped him from being a 6-foot 4-inch, 255-pound muscle gaining beast.
The wrestling legend took to Twitter Thursday and showed his three-day meal plan spread across his kitchen counter top. The picture shows over 30 containers filled with different types of food.
Triple H captioned the picture, “Growing ain’t easy… #foodFor3Days”
I don’t know how all that food can fit into one person, but these guys make it happen.
Growing ain't easy… #FoodFor3Days pic.twitter.com/kqXozCreoQ
— Triple H (@TripleH) May 29, 2015