These Coupons Would Make Things Awkward Between You And Your Cashier

Depending on the grocery store, your experience at the checkout counter could be a friendly one, or a depressing one. The cashier tries to be personable, but at the same time get you out of the store as quickly as possible, so you could imagine how these coupons could make things a little awkward, as you both stare at each other.
A tumblr account called Obvious Plant, put together some hilarious coupons and planted them all around a grocery store.
You won’t find these in the Sunday paper, of course, but we wish you could, as you’d be able to get things like, a free hug from the cashier, or a kiss on the forehead.
Take a look at these and let us know if this would affect your shopping in any way. I know it’d give me the perfect excuse to get a hug from my grocery store crush.