Doner G’s Doner Saltado Is A Turkish Masterpiece Made For MEAT STREET

FOODBEAST’s first-ever meat festival, Meat Street Presented by the Makers of Spam Brand at Main Place Mall, is right around the corner and because we’re super hyped about what’s on the menu. Let’s take a moment to admire what VIP vendor Doner G is bringing to the show.
Orange County-based Doner G Turkish & Mediterranean Grill is a local favorite, having specialized in Doner Kebab dishes and authentic Turkish cuisine for more than two decades. With two locations in Irvine and Anaheim, Doner G is ready to wow the hometown crowd with its Doner Saltado topped with special aji sauce.
This Doner Saltado starts with a sautéed onions, tomato and red peppers, mixed with French Fries and Doner Kebab. Served on a bed of white rice, it is then topped off with a fried egg and Doner G’s special aji sauce. You might want to grab a fork — and a napkin. And maybe a friend.
If you consider yourself a meat lover, then you’re probably already dreaming about the juicy varieties of meats that will be on the menu. With an All-You-Can-Consume food and beer VIP section and a Pay-As-You-Eat Marketplace section, MEAT STREET is about to bring the carnivore out in all of us. Grab your tickets here!
Stayed tuned, we’ll be previewing all the MEAT STREET creations you’ll be able to try for yourself on April 22.
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