14 Of The Craziest Donut Creations We’ve Ever Seen

National Donut Day is quickly approaching. While we’re all scrambling here to see how many free donuts we can grab, let’s take a second to appreciate some of the most creative donuts to ever emerge from the deep fryer.
The fried pastry has become one of the most iconic images associated with breakfast. However, in recent years, donuts have begun breaking away from the breakfast norm. Folks have been throwing them together with savory dishes to create something truly…magical.
We dug around the Internet and found some of the craziest donut creations around. In honor of National Donut Day, enjoy!
Cheetos-Crusted Mac n’ Cheese Doughnuts
Cap’n Crunch Donut Holes
Big Poppa Pop Tart Donut
Milky Bun
Cannoli Donut
Pizza Donut
Foie Bomb
Krispy Kreme Bacon Hot Dog Donut