How To Make BEER PONG Cake Pops [For Your Bros]

Beer Pong is a past time of many a young casual drinker. You know, the game that consists of two teams head-to-head shooting ping pong balls into a competitors triangle-stacked formation of beer-filled red cups.
I spotted the idea for Beer Pong Cake Pops at my friend Billy’s birthday party a few weeks back. I saw a tray of ping pong and red cup-shaped cake pops on the dessert table and my life was forever changed. The next morning, hung over, I searched the Internet in hopes for a similar recipe and could find nothing of the sort.
Luckily, my friend Elise from the monstrous YouTube baking channel My Cupcake Addiction was in town for the week and she obliged to swing through our kitchen and help me make them a reality. We picked up a few of these Lil Red Mini Cup Shot Glasses for the molds, everything else can be picked up from your local grocery store!
Cakebros (and sorority sisters), welcome to the club: