19 Times Beyonce Lyrics Made Us Hungry

Whether you’re a proud member of the BeyHive or not, there’s no denying Beyoncé is one bad bitch. Her songs seem to cover a pretty wide range of emotions (er…topics), from her naïve early days as the lead lady of Destiny’s Child, to the straight-up nasty music in collab with her ~supposedly~ philanderous husband, Jay Z, in her self-titled album, to the more recent, heart-wrenching Lemonade about said philanderous husband. ‘Yoncé pretty much kills the game no matter what her mood is and no matter how much of a dickwad Jay Z feels like being that day.

Regardless of the subject, the woman knows how to throw in a good food reference, and here are 19 song lyrics to prove it. As a spoiler alert, half of these are sexual innuendos, and the other required some serious research to understand, but we’ll take it.


beyonce ice cream truck
This sentence is pretty much verbatim from the section where they first explained what a “simile” was in my seventh grade English textbook. Plus, everyone loves ice cream. Way to kick off your debut solo album with a classic, Beyoncé.


beyonce summertime
Who would have known P. Diddy would be the type of person to care so much about B’s mental health like that?! Leave it to Mr. Combs to remind us about what’s important in life.


beyonce love on top
Based on the number of times Beyonce says “again” here, we’re going to assume this was a full on mack sesh. But hey, if he’s throwin’ out the dough for the good stuff, I’d be down to kiss him all night, too.


beyonce drunk in love 1
This quote refers to a time where Tina Turner, formerly known as Anna Mae, got cake shoved in her face in broad daylight by her abusive and jealous husband, Ike Turner. Not cool. Way to be insensitive, Jay Z.


beyonce party 2
Sounds like a typical Friday night with friends. And by friends, I mean food.


beyonce 711
Moral of the story – don’t mess with Beyonce and her liquor or she’ll f*ck you up.


beyonce creole
You might have to think about this one, but once you get it, you’ll know.


beyonce work it out
Raise your hand if you still find it incredibly creepy when ladies call their men “Daddy”.


beyonce partition
For all you noobs out there like me who have no clue what this means, this phrase refers to all the ass pics on Instagram. There must be a ton of them to warrant their own phrase. *hastily opens Instagram*


beyonce formation
I’m sure men everywhere heard this lyric and stepped up their game once they realized they could get a free seafood feast out of a little added foreplay.


beyonce party
Am I the only one whose mind automatically wanders to an image of Beyoncé covered in tomato sauce looking really uncomfortable?


beyonce drunk in love 2
TBH, I would probably walk right out the door if a man ever referred to my boobs as “breastases.” I wonder about you sometimes, Jay Z.


beyonce blow
I solved your riddle, alright. As a side note, I personally think every Sex Ed class should employ this metaphor for the female anatomy whenever possible. We’d have a lot less confused guys out there. Thank you, Beyoncé. You really are a saint.


C’mon, why you gotta do a guy like that? He was just in the food court eating a gyro! Pronounced yee-roh, btw.


beyonce sake
Okay so technically Yamazaki is whiskey not sake, but it’s cool, B. As a matter of fact, Yamazaki is the first whiskey to be commercially produced in Japan. It’s pretty incredible, if you’ve never tried it.


beyonce suga mama
From this sentence, I’m going to assume Beyoncé is trying to say that she is sweet, wet, and messy. Did I get it? Did I crack the code???


beyonce in da club
I’ve said this on multiple occasions, but Beyoncé, can I be you?


beyonce partition 2
If you’re ever looking for an exposé on the sex lives of the rich and famous, let Partition be your guide.


beyonce formation 2
For those times when somethin’ just needs a little extra spice.


Well, after all this I think it’s pretty clear I need to spend more time on Urban Dictionary in an attempt to understand all of these euphemisms because I struggled to keep up.

You keep doin’ you, Beyoncé. Can’t wait to see what you come out with next.

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