Science Says Soda As Bad For Teeth as Meth [Warning: Cringe-Worthy Photos]

Here’s another reason to rethink that super-sized sugary drink.
Heavy drinkers of diet soda could see the same erosion and tooth decay as meth and crack cocaine users, according to a study published in General Dentistry. But by “heavy,” the study suggests that the acid in a 2-liter-a-day habit, over 5 years with no dentist visits, will cause severe damage to your teeth, so perhaps soda isn’t the only culprit.
Meth, crack cocaine and sodas are all highly acidic, which you know is bad news for tooth enamel if you’ve ever done the tooth-in-Coke dissolving experiment. Still, meth and crack cocaine are far worse for dental health since they reduce the amount of naturally present saliva in the mouth, which would otherwise wash away the harmful acids.
That being said, brush your teeth kids and try to lay low on the fizzy stuff.
H/T My Fox Atlanta + PicThx Academy of General Dentistry