Doctor Who ‘Cassandra’ Pizza Looks Exactly Like a Billion-Year-Old Flap of Preserved Skin

In the future, humans will be nothing but skin. They will watch the destruction of earth 5 billion years into the future from a satellite high up in space and they will be so rusty on their human history that their idea of a traditional ballad will be none other than “Toxic” by Britney Spears.
Pardon me, I must be confusing Doctor Who with real life again.
In any case, some pizza-making Whovian decided to have a little fun with his or her pie by molding it into the likeness of Lady Cassandra, a notable villain in the British sci-fi series. For those who don’t know, Cassandra considered herself the last “pure human” because she refused any sort of meta-modification, leaving her with just her skin, lips and eyes for a body, and for which she eventually earned the nickname “bitchy trampoline.” In order to maintain her form, she needed to be constantly doused in preservatives and made it a point to remind her servants to “moisturize her,” like, every two seconds, making her a veritable stand-in for Botox-ing soccer moms everywhere . . . and . . . and . . .
Sigh, it’s funnier if you just watch the show. Trust me.
H/T + PicThx Nerdalicious, BBC