Sweet n’ Spicy Edible Spoons Add a Kick to Boring Meals

We love us handy food inventions, particularly if they’re useful and delicious. Remember those edible candy cane spoons? That, Foodbeasts, is the sort of awesome stuff we’re talkin’ about. As our luck would have it, we recently came across an equally cool utensil of the tasty variety — Edible Spoon by Triangle Tree.
The handy spoon is “made entirely of corn and organic products,” so hey — it’s a pretty healthy addition to any sort of meal. And while the invention is undoubtedly cool, the best part is that it comes in a variety of flavors to compliment any sort of dish. Having something boring for dinner? Amp it up with the spicy-flavored spoon! Or maybe you’re yearning for a slight sugary kick to that cereal. The sweet version’s got you covered.
Edible Spoons don’t even have to be for traditional spoonage use, either. Who says you can’t munch on a bag full o’ edible utensils? Heck, if it’s tasty, we say go for it.
Plain, Spicy & Sweet Edible Spoons @ Triangle Tree
H/T Lost at E Minor + PicThx Triangle Tree