Semi-Genius Cup Solves All First World Cookie-Dunking Woes

Of all the #firstworldproblems we have to deal with these days, there’s one that’s really super annoying. You know when you’ve got a small glass of milk and a cookie that’s bigger than its width? Ugh, then it’s impossible to dunk that cookie into a glorious milk bath.
Fortunately, a new Kickstarter campaign is up and running to relieve us of such awful circumstances. Awkward Engineer Creations, LLC has come up with “the ultimate in cookie dunking technology.” The Cookie Dunker is a cup featuring a wide opening that gradually becomes smaller so there’s no risk of getting your fist stuck during the cookie-dunking process. The bottom groove of the cup also cradles your coveted cookie, so that’s pretty thoughtful.
The world is in dire need of this invention. Obviously.