Eight Food Items You Should Consider for a Potentially Lengthier Lifespan

Good news: All you coffee addicts chugging espressos like shots of vodka are probably going to live longer than the rest of us. Bad news: Pine Bark is the new way to defy age, except that we don’t really see ourselves licking tree trunks any time soon.

Peep the 8 food items that can potentially help you live longer below, then check out the other 14 ways to live til 100:


1. Cook with Turmeric


“Curcumin, a substance in turmeric, revitalises your skin by working closely with collagen to stabilize it; this reduces scarring and boosts overall skin quality.”

PicThx Wiki


2. Drink A Lot of Coffee


“A 12-year-long study of coffee drinkers revealed that men and women who drink six cups of coffee a day reduce their risk of dying by 10% and 15 %, respectively.”


3. Eat Asparagus


“Among other healthy things, the green shoot is extremely rich in folic acid, which reduces the risk of cancer and may prevent strokes.”


4. Eat Less


“Reduce your calorie intake by 25% – 30%. One study showed that the hearts of monkeys who were fed less functioned as well as those who were 15 years younger.”

5. Eat Porridge


“A study of 400,000 men and women revealed that those who ate fibre-rich foods reduce their chances of dying prematurely by one fifth.”


6. Eat Tomato Puree Every Day


“Tomatoes, which contain lycopene, are great at protecting your skin from sunburning and sun-related ageing. A Newcastle study revealed that women who ate five tablespoons of tomato paste daily had 33% more sunburn protection.”


7. Include Tofu and Sweet Potato in Your Diet


“Residents of Okinawa, Japan, are some of the longest living in the world. Live as long as they do by adding beta carotene-rich sweet potatoes to your daily diet, as well as 340 grammes of tofu.”


8. Take Pine Bark Supplement


“Studies show that it can boost skin elasticity by 25% and skin hydration by 8%. The supplement contains pycnogenol, a key skin component that decreases as you age.”

H/T: This Confused infographic


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