‘Roscoe’s’ Fried Chicken and Ramen, Because This is Japanmerica

For those of you who witnessed the glory that is “Clam Chowder Udon” last week, here’s yet another Asian fusion-y soup item that is equal parts evil genius and starving college student.
Five words, are you ready?
“Roscoe’s” Fried Chicken. And Ramen.
Granted, breaded chicken in salty soup isn’t an entirely new concept – many restaurants have been doing it for years. But butter, hot sauce and maple syrup-soup? Is this real life?
Hats off yet again to the brilliant minds at Cleveland’s Noodlecat, this time for proving that butter does indeed go with everything.
Now if only it came with a side of waffles.
[Photo via Foodspotting]