Taco Bell’s #OperationAlaska is Now a Commercial, Here are the Official Videos

Taco Bell’s PR curve ball involving the folks of Bethel, Alaska continues in what seems to be the epic climax of a super interesting marketing geometry curve (I never passed geometry, so pardon the dust on this article’s opening line).
For those unfamiliar with the story, a few weeks back the folks of Bethel, a small town in Alaska with roughly 6,200 residents and no Taco Bell within 400 miles, were the victims of an elaborate hoax that led them to believe a Taco Bell location might be coming to their town.
A few weeks after the hoax occurred, Taco Bell’s slick marketing team capitalized on the opportunity to airlift the town 10,000 tacos and dubbed the entire fiasco #OperationAlaska.
From viral concept, to creation, to execution, in just a few weeks. Pretty impressive.
Here’s a look the commercial that inevitably came of the stunt, followed by an extended version for your viewing pleasure:
Taco Bell: Operation Alaska Commercial:
Taco Bell: Discovering Bethel, Alaska Video: