Four Loko Home Brew: Make “Black Out in a Can” at Home!

With Four Loko bans taking effect all over the country, it seems people are frantically searching for solutions to get their Four Loko fix in some unconventional ways. For the staff, it seems working out of the New York area has dealt them a blow in terms of their Caffeinated Alcoholic energy supply with the recent New York ban of Alcoholic Energy Drinks throughout the state.

What’s a Four Loko junkie to do? These guys have pieced together a janky, but reasonably acceptable recipe for a homemade version of Four Loko utilizing 5 Jolly Rancher candy pieces (change the flavor depending on the flavor Four Loko you want to imitate), a caffeine pill, a can of Sprite, a 40 oz. bottle of St. Ides and a Monster Energy drink as the base. We’ve got a video for your recipe needs!

What do you guys think, similar to Four Loko? Way off? You be the judge! As always, drink responsibly!

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