‘Tis The Season: Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Lattes Returning August 25

Another year, another round of seasonal drinks that come out way too freaking early. That’s right, even though summer doesn’t officially end until September 23, Starbucks is ready to get the cinnamon and nutmeg sugar bomb ball rolling. Long time no see, Pumpkin Spice Latte, long time no see.
For the past couple of days, baristas from here and there have been posting proof of #PSL’s return to twitter and instagram, from giant jugs of orange syrup to fully-sleeved hot lattes. With temperatures from Los Angeles to New York this week averaging about 80 degrees, it’s nice knowing that our insides can now feel as warm and sticky as our outsides.
Starbucks’ PSL returns August 25.
H/T Grubstreet