Sexy Underwear-Wearing Peaches Will Make You All Kinds of Uncomfortable
There’s no denying the fuzzy, subtle cleft of a peach can sometimes look a little, ahem, suggestive, but leave it to Asia to take it to the next level, by tossing some sexy panties on those cheeky sonumbitches.
A novelty souvenir for the upcoming Qixi Festival in Nanjing, “Ripe Fruit” peaches reportedly come from the Yangshan, Wuxi region of China, an area renown for its lingerie industry, according to Kotaku. Delicately placed in a satin-lined gift box, each butt peach comes with its own set of sheer and lacy underwear. Seriously, these things are trying harder than I do on a Friday night. A set of nine goes for 498 yuan or approximately $80 USD.
Supposedly the peaches from Wuxi taste pretty good, which is almost enough to justify the price. What you decide to do with the tiny leftover lingerie is up to you. We won’t judge.
H/T, Picthx Rocket News/IncredibleThings