Latest Korean Meme Has Schoolgirls Carrying Giant Backpacks Made of Junk Food

The latest in WTF? news: Korean schoolgirls are walking around with giant backpacks made from chips, snack cakes, Pocky, and bottles of yogurt. Why? Who cares? I just want one of my own.
In no small feat of playground ingenuity, students in South Korea have been assembling oversized “snack packs” comprised of their favorite bags of chips, bottles of drinkable yogurt, satchels of chocolate marshmallow cakes, and bins of cheese balls, with packaged candy bars tied together as backpack straps. The reason, according to Kotaku, has something to do with girls giving the bags as birthday presents, though some are also just making them for themselves, presumably in case of a zombie apocalypse.
With all that posterior real estate being occupied, you can’t help but wonder where these girls put all their school supplies, though you gotta love their priorities.
Picthx Kotaku