
The K-Cup of Miso Soup Has Been Invented


Remember when Campbell Soup entered the K-Cup game and rolled out with single-serve soup pods you could whip up for lunch? Well, Japan just took it to the next level with Marukome's latest invention: a Keurig-like machine that dispenses single bowls of piping hot miso soup. All at the touch of a button.

Miso soup and white rice make up an integral part of a traditional Japanese breakfast and the new product, "One Shot," seeks to become an essential item in every kitchen. The system can make up to 75 bowls of miso soup per package and even enables users to control the strength of the miso flavor per serving. Additional dehydrated vegetables and seafood are on deck, with miso soup prices ranging from 980 to 1,480 yen ($9.40 to $14.20 US).


The instant miso soup machine will retail for 9,800 yen ($94) and hits shelves towards the end of January. It's just a matter of time before K-Cup clam chowder and chili become a thing. How? You ask to many questions.

H/T + Picthx RocketNews24