Never Get Your Arm Stuck in a Pringles Canister Again With This Chip Dispenser

pringles tool

Where the hell has this been all our lives. In my 24 years of eating Pringles I’ve been subjected to getting my arm stuck in the canister, breaking chips in an attempt to grab a stack and looking like a hot mess emptying the can down my gullet to ensure every crumb was consumed. So many wasted years. So many lost chips. So many regrets.

No more will we have to snack like animals thanks to the Chip Dispenser by EntreX. Created in Japan the silicon tool is easy to use, simply snap into shape and stick the Chip Dispenser into your favorite can of Pringles. The scoop-like design ensures every chip is grabbed as you pull back and behold the glorious sight before you. When you’re done nomming on your can of Pecan Pie Pringles the Chip Dispenser conveniently wraps around the canister awaiting its next use.

The product was on sale in Japan but doesn’t look like it’s available anymore. Hopefully someone can recreate this life changing tool to solve all our first world Pringles problems.

H/T + PicThx Gawker

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