Microwaving Candy: What Your Favorite Candy Looks Like Melted to Oblivion
Disclaimer: Nuking your leftover Halloween candy in the microwave is a bad (see: bad) idea and leads to kitchens that smell like rotting unicorns.
Similar to reverse rocket science, the crew gathered all the candy in the office — from Skittles to Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups — and wondered what would happen if we pulverized them in the microwave.
This terrible idea culminated in Rudy nibbling on chocolate radiation and Elie blistering his finger in hot candy, then sticking it in a tub of butter.
Watch the video, then check out the fruits of our labor below:
Candy Canes
Sour Patch Kids
Almond Joy
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups