Oreo Cookie Butter Is Beautiful Black Magic

Here’s a confession: I didn’t know what cookie butter was until about a week ago. I’d only been to a Trader Joe’s one other time in my life. To my knowledge, Two Buck Chuck might as well have been a beaver.
Silly, silly me. Luckily, I’ve since come to see the error of my ways, and can therefore appreciate how truly f@#king spectacular something like Oreo Cookie Peanut Butter is. Dorothy of Crazy for Crust dreamt this stuff up in order to bring more protein into her diet (obviously). And as you can tell, the result is gorgeously inky, moderately healthy (just peanuts and Oreos), and totally Halloween-approved butter.
Spread it over witch finger cookies, into Black Velvet brownies, or better yet, all over your teeth for that fabulous “demon mouth” look. It’s Oreo Cookie Butter, people. This is some next-level sorcery shiz.
H/T + PicThx Neatorama