In China, Kaleidoscopic Flower-Shaped Cotton Candy in 4 Minutes

Cotton candy is a magical process to begin with — throw some sugar into a cotton candy machine and within seconds it turns into delicious-melt-in-your-mouth-fluff. Now peeps from China have created a way to make a flower blossom using the simple cotton candy-making process and a single skewer.

The steps are simple enough: Sugar is thrown into the spinning candy maker, which creates the oblong shape. Next, a wet skewer is  used to make indentations that form the petals. For the second layer of petals, another sugar color is tossed in and engulfs the initial flower and this layer is also indented. The process is repeated accordingly. The result: Within four minutes you have a multi-layered, kaleidoscopic wonder of sugary fluff.



via rocketnews24

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