Glass Gem Corn, the Multi-colored Corn Variety You Should Probably Know About

Oh what a lovely ear of corn it is. Some kernels pink, some orange, others a brilliant lime green. If we told you it was a beautiful piece of corn rainbow jewelry, you’d probably believe it. In fact, it’s a completely edible ear of corn originating from some special seeds you’ll soon be able to order and plant yourself.
In fact, the corn is completely edible. It comes from seedsman Greg Schoen of the family-owned Seeds Trust, who got the seed from Carl Barnes, a part-Cherokee man, how in his 80s, in Oklahoma.
The seeds are currently not for sale, but through the brand’s Facebook page, they have noted that a possible August availability is imminent. Anticipation and interest for the seeds is so high, the company’s website seems to have buckled from the recent influx of traffic of people inquiring about the seeds used to grow the colorful corn.
I need a few of these seeds, I’ve got a farming itch and I want to scratch it oh so badly!