Almost Real: Ben & Jerry’s “Ron Swanson” Bacon, Egg, and Scotch Ice Cream Flavor

Fans of NBC’s show Parks and Recreation will have the largest amount of appreciation for this fabulous piece of Photoshop work. While it wouldn’t be that surprising to find that Ice Cream brand Ben & Jerry’s would have pushed a Ron Swanson flavor, we have it on unfounded Internet Authority that this flavor is not real.

For those unfamiliar with Ron Swanson — a fictional television character portrayed by actor Nick Offerman — he’s head of the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department. Apart from his deadpan personality, one of his recurring character motifs includes his love affair with breakfast foods. It’s not uncommon to see Ron Swanson enjoying breakfast foods in many of the series’ episodes, including a breakfast buffet a local town strip club.

With our fiction hats on, we proudly introduce an ice cream we somehow wish was a reality: Ron Swanson’s: All of the Bacon & Eggs You Have — A Scotch Flavored Ice Cream with All of the Bacon & Eggs We Had.

VIA: KenTremendous / NYMag / JonnyEtc.

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